Low carbon


The priority to consume less energy drives us and guides our choices throughout the design, construction and operation phases of our buildings. The launch of CAN0P-2030, Carbon Net Zero Plan, marks a strong acceleration in our low-carbon roadmap.

Stated objective: drastic reduction in our operational greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, with only residual emissions offset

Based on the performance of the results achieved since 2017, i.e. a 40% reduction of these emissions, we are reducing our initial objective, which aimed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, by 20 years.


Reasons for our commitment 


Greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector account for 25% of all emissions produced in France. Cutting them is therefore a major challenge for the planet, and something we're fully aware of. To achieve this, we are taking action when it comes to designing, renovating, and managing our buildings. 

Material and equipment choice is geared toward the lowest emitters of greenhouse gases. When we renovate a building, we look for the most energy efficient solution. We make every effort to use low carbon or renewable energy sources in the buildings we operate. Our energy efficiency is measured and corrective actions are taken.

We act alongside our employees to involve our stakeholders −  customers and suppliers −  in this commitment each and every day. 


Our main objectives


  • Using less energy: 2025 target of 150 kWhFE/sq.m/year, i.e.–5.3% per year on average compared to 2019.

  • Using lower-carbon energies, including 100% of electricity and gas purchased with guaranteed renewable sources by 2025.

  • Making low carbon the standard when it comes to managing our operating portfolio by supporting our customers and training our staff in best practices 

  • Developing low-carbon buildings by aiming for a level corresponding to the BBCA label for each of our office redevelopment operations.

  • Achieving a CO2 performance after major renovation works of less than 4 kgCO2/sq.m/year by 2025 and an energy performance of less than 65 kWhef/sq.m/year once in operation.

Be Issy, a positive footprint on the city

As the first energy positive office building in the district, Be Issy produces more energy than it consumes. Discover

Our performance

Our commitment to low carbon manifests itself through our concrete initiatives and results but we are only at the beginning.

As at December 31, 2023

Our main initiatives 


We are ramping up our greenhouse gas-cutting initiatives. We also imposed an internal CO2 emissions tax on ourselves. 


  • We have launched a "task force" to analyse the operation of technical systems in order to identify energy savings. The aim is to reduce our energy consumption by 20% (10% in residential). Around fifty buildings will be concerned by 2023.
  • We have introduced an internal carbon fund to accelerate the decarbonization of our portfolio 
  • 57% of our buildings are connected to urban heating networks 
  • 98% of detailed energy data gathered in real time across our portfolio and managed thanks to the improvement actions proposed by the remote metering platform in the tertiary portfolio.
  • 100% of the electricity purchased by Gecina is guaranteed renewable and produced in France.
  • Our office developments aim to consume 73.8 kWh/sq.m/year once delivered, three times less than the average for the operating portfolio.
  • We have created a new tool to assess the current and potential CSR performance of an investment opportunity in so-called “carbonized ROI” acquisition phase

Our 4 CSR pillars

We are committed every day to safeguarding people, the planet, and the environment. The low carbon building is one of our 4 CSR policy pillars.

Well living

People are changing their mindsets and ways: we are meeting their expectations by enhancing their well living at work and at home.

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Circular economy

A market that enables the smart reuse of materials, and energy savings, to construct and manage our buildings.

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Because our buildings are places for living, we also respect local animal and plant habitats.

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Let’s go a step further

2022 Universal Registration Document

Our low carbon initiatives, our key figures and how they have changed are detailed in our 2022 Universal Registration Document. Find out more